Teentopia (Barcelona, MACBA + Institute Broggi)
Teentopia was a project in collaboration with Institut Broggi and MACBA in Barcelona across 2018-19. This 3-month long residency developed a series of science-fiction shorts with young people films using digital archiving and in-person workshops, in tandem with MACBA and as part of the Reverberaciónes project led by Jordi Ferreiro (Barcelona, Spain).
The project developed notions of what a “teentopia” might look like, using sci-fi writings and films and developed through a variety of applied theatre and creative writing techniques. The final film was screened at MACBA in summer 2019. As part of this project the young people led a series of participatory workshops for their parents and teachers in order to ‘pass over’ knowledge from the facilitator to the participants and provide them with the skills to lead future workshops in their school and community.